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RIF-2022 - work-life balance. How it was?

On May 18-20, the XXVI Russian Internet Forum was held in “Lesnye Dali” boarding house. The agenda of RIF 2022 was the search for a balance between work and life. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ became the organizational partner of the Forum and tried to help RIF guests find the work-life balance itself this year again.

In this regard, the Coordination Center has prepared a rich program consisting of lectures, discussions, master classes, competitions, tournaments, as well as leisure and entertainment. A branded tent of the Coordination Center was located at the RIF 2022 site near the main building of the “Lesnye Dali” boarding house. A large show bench of the Coordination Center and 7 accredited registrars were also presented at the exhibition.

Director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev has addressed the opening ceremony of the Forum, with a report "The Domain Names Registration Market in the New Conditions" and spoke about the latest trends in the domain market.

The RIF business program included the "Sustainable Internet as a Basis for Russian Digital Sovereignty" section, organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. The section was attended by Anton Gorelkin (Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications), Ekaterina Mizulina (Safe Internet League), Igor Gudin (MMC Nornickel), Andrey Pyanchenko (Research Institute "Voskhod"), Alexei Rogdev (Technical Center Internet), Vladimir Zykov (Association of Professional Users of Social Networks and Messengers), Igor Astranin (AP-digital), Dmitry Grigoriev (EMG).

The section was devoted to the technical and organizational aspects of the formation of a secure Runet, as well as possible measures to further strengthen Russia's digital sovereignty.

There was also a traditional for RIF domain section, the main topics of which were regulatory and sanctions impact, countering domain abuse and the development of IDN. Representatives of competent organizations and accredited registrars, experts of the Coordination Center spoke at the section. The section was moderated by Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center. He spoke about the sanctions pressure that is being exerted on the domain industry, and about the reaction of international structures to this pressure.

In addition to participating in the business program of the Forum, the Coordination Center also held three lectures in its tent. Evgeny Pankov, Head of Special Projects of Coordination Center, gave a lecture on choosing a domain name, creating and promoting a website, legal aspects of domain registration and ways to protect them from intruders. Asya Barysheva, management consultant, conducted a training on "Working with requests from clients" topic. Also, there was a discussion "Metaverse: will it be useful?", which was held by Marina Rozhkova (IP CLUB) and Sergey Kopylov (Coordination Center). The speakers were the Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev and the representative of the “Rybalkin, Gortsunyan, Dyakin & Partners” law firm Maria Samartseva.

At RIF 2022, the winners of the IP&IT Law 2022 competition, organized by the Coordination Center in cooperation with the expert and educational project in the field of IP&Digital Law IP CLUB, were awarded.

The 7th All-Russian Youth Competition on Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law – IP&IT LAW 2022 – was held under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

The 10th anniversary competition "DOT journalism" has started during the RIF 2022. This is a competition for journalists writing about domains and other Internet addressing systems, which is held by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and RAEC with the support of the “Smart Internet” Foundation, ROCIT and REG.RU.

All RIF visitors were able to take part in the celebration of the birthday of the national Cyrillic domain .РФ. Firstly, a big birthday cake was cut at the traditional "provider barbecue" organized by the Coordination Center. Next day, there was a party organized in the Coordination Center’s tent with refreshments and competitions with domain-themed assignments, also dedicated to the birthday of the .РФ domain.

On May 12, the birthday of the .РФ domain, the II All-Russian Photo Contest "Фотодомен.РФ" was launched. At RIF 2022, there was also "Фотодомен.РФ" quest which brought together many active participants.

To participate in the quest, you had to find 5 locations on the RIF map and take your photos in each of them so that the name of the domain in .РФ could be seen. Gifts were waiting for everyone who had gone all the way in the tent of the Coordination Center. The quest was attended by over 40 people who sent over 80 photos. The most creative shots will be presented in the “RIF Creatiff” special nomination of the "Фотодомен.РФ" contest.

There were also races on RC cars near the Main Building, and competitions and quizzes were held in the tent of the Coordination Center. The Coordination Center stand was organized at the exhibition, where some registrars were presented.

Both the guests and the organizers of RIF 2022 tried to catch the work-life balance declared as the main topic of the Forum, and it seems they succeeded!

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