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How to Become Mentor for Alpha Generation?

On June 26, the interregional webinar “Weblandia Resource for Children and Family Audiences” took place at the Russian State Children’s Library. The event was attended by Olga Yakovleva, Head of the Project Department of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. Olga told the participants how to become a mentor for the younger “alpha” generation, and presented the projects of the Coordination Center for children and the youth.

Olga noted that representatives of the “alpha” generation are not subject to punishment, but to rewards and encouragement; they do not listen to moralizing, but are ready for equal dialogue. Olga also said that last year, in the year of the teacher and mentor, as part of the annual Championship “Study the Internet - Govern It!” as part of a creative task, participants were asked to formulate how they see the teacher of the future. For students, the teacher is a navigator, mentor and assistant.

The teacher of the future is a professional in his field who loves his subject. They transfer knowledge to students, but at the same time not only tell and show, but also attracts students to search and research activities, teaches them to obtain knowledge and use it in their practice so that it is in demand,” Olga said.

She also said that the high level of digital literacy among students is directly related to the willingness of teachers to develop it. The higher the level of mastery of digital competencies a mentor has, the higher the likelihood of students’ early introduction to digital technologies and their conscious use of digital services, tools and digital content to solve specific practical problems.

“We see the need for teachers to improve skills in ICT, knowledge in the field of digitalization of education and work with Artificial Intelligence,” Olga said. She said that the Coordination Center, together with the Academy of Innovative Education and Development, opened the “Study the Internet” School of Mentors in 2023 based on the interactive educational project “Study the Internet - Govern It!”. One of the most important goals of the project is to give teachers working tools and increase the level of their competencies, to ensure the possibility of transferring this knowledge to colleagues in schools and students, using, among other things, interactive game tools.

Olga Yakovleva spoke about the organization of the third School of Mentors “Study the Internet”. She noted that as part of the certification work, the School’s students will be asked to develop a technological map and scenario for a lesson, class hour or additional lesson based on the tools of the “Study the Internet - Govern It!” project. Based on the results of training at the School, participants will be able not only to qualitatively improve their competencies, but also to receive a certificate of advanced training, educational materials, access to the expert community, and also become ambassadors of the project.

You can watch the webinar on YouTube channel of the Russian State Children's Library.

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