As of December 1, 2022, all email addresses used by state agencies and local governments must be formed using domain names and network addresses in the Russian national domain zone, according to a resolution of the Russian government that was published today. The decision was made to ensure the information security of the work of government agencies. The decree was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.
The Russian national domain zone includes:
- ccTLD .RU;
- ccTLD .РФ;
- ccTLD .SU;
- other ccTLDs managed by Russian domain name registries, accredited by international organizations.
Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, noted that almost all federal authorities have corporate mail on their domains, which are usually registered in the .RU domain. At the same time, regional authorities and municipalities use public mail services more often, so they will be the first to be affected by the decree, which comes into force on December 1.
“Each administration has a website on its own domain, but the IT departments of municipalities do not always create corporate mailing addresses, so municipal employees use public services for official purposes. And often these are foreign services, primarily on domains in the .COM zone, which, although considered international, is completely controlled by American organizations. In this regard, the use of mail in services registered in the .COM domain cannot be considered secure. The Decree of the Government is aimed at ensuring that state bodies use exclusively Russian postal services,” Andrey Vorobyev said.