The call for discussion topics for RIGF 2022 has closed. Internet users had from November 1 to December 15 to send in their ideas for the program of the 12th Russian Internet Governance Forum, with more than 30 proposals submitted in total.
Many of these proposals will be included in the event program. As expected, participants showed the greatest interest in the area of internet governance: they suggested discussing the future of distributed ledger technologies in Russia, digitalization in public administration, the present and future of social media, new challenges associated with the use of artificial intelligence in internet technologies, and much more.
Participants also suggested plenty of discussion topics in other areas, such as the role of the human factor in internet development, data management, countering destructive content, modern trends in the regulation of the online environment, and a global digital agreement.
The RIGF 2022 program committee will try to take into account all the suggestions when putting together the final forum program. The final program will be drawn up after processing all the proposed topics and considering the global trends announced at the global IGF, which took place on December 6-10 in Katowice (Poland).
The 12th Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF 2022), organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, will take place on April 6-8, 2022 in the hybrid format.