The Russian Universal Acceptance Working Group, which includes members of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, has developed guidelines for including requirements to support Cyrillic domains and email addresses when drawing up tender documents or preparing contracts for software purchase and development.
The new document, “Proposals to include requirements for the support of Cyrillic domain names and email addresses in contracts and tender documents for the purchase and development of software for state and municipal needs” contains template phrases that can be included in contracts and bidding documents for software procurement for state and municipal needs. Such documents are required by Federal Law No. 44-FZ On the Contract System for State and Municipal Procurement of Goods, Work, and Services.
The proposed phrases can be used for other documents that need to include IDN and EAI support requirements with regard to Cyrillic characters.
“The Russian Universal Acceptance Working Group was created in 2020 to assist in the implementation of technical standards for IDN and EAI support, and we are publishing the second document on this issue. It is widely known that government support is of the essence in the implementation of technical standards, and in this case, we are also helping companies that prepare bidding documents and contracts, making sure that the software they are procuring provides 100 percent support for all available internet addressing means,” said Maria Kolesnikova, Chair of the Russian Universal Acceptance Working Group, Chief Analyst at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.
The full text of the recommendations is available on the working group website at универсальноепринятие.рф.