On October 21, CENTR’s seminar on innovation and research took place online. CENTR is the association of European country code top-level domain name registries. The seminar was moderated by CENTR analyst Patrick Myles who gave a short welcome speech and opened the traditional Tour de Table session where representatives from national registries shared updates on their innovations and research projects.
Infrastructure Consultant at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Vadim Mikhailov spoke about the development and launch of a reserve domain registration system and the start of research on possible ways to identify potentially malicious registrations. He also focused on a test email platform where software researchers can get test Cyrillic email addresses for their work. Vadim Mikhailov also talked about developments in creating a system to check websites for their ability to work with Cyrillic email and about plans to study homoglyph attacks and ways to counter them.
The seminar continued with a speech by the representative of the Dutch ccTLD .NL, Moritz Müller, who talked about the system to prevent data leaks in situations where a domain is deleted and email is still sent to addresses containing this domain.
The representative of the Swiss registry, .CH, Jakob Dhondt presented his report on a system of deferred domain name registration which is under development now. At the time of registration, the system checks the domain against a certain set of rules and if matches reach a certain critical level, the registration is postponed and the registration data must pass an additional review.
The seminar concluded with a speech by another representative of the national Dutch registry, Thijs van den Hout, who presented the LogoMotive project, a system designed to search for ‘fakeshops’ and phishing websites by identifying the logos of legitimate resources there. At the end of the seminar, Patrick Myles congratulated Cynthia Wagner on being reelected as co-chair of the Innovation and Research Working Group.