On September 13, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) signed a cooperation agreement to promote new projects aimed at improving digital literacy in Russia.
The Coordination Center and ASI will work together in the following spheres:
- Improve the awareness of schoolchildren and their parents (legal representatives) about the importance of digital literacy.
- Help improve teachers’ standards for promoting basic digital literacy skills among children and teenagers.
- Hold joint events (competitions, contests, workshops, quests, online championships and the like) to promote the use of modern information technology in education.
- Hold events on the use of IT in education, the digital transformation of learning and information security.
- Identify, provide support (including expert support), popularize the best digital literacy practices, and develop public digital culture.
- Promote digital literacy and competent use of IT by children, parents and teachers.
- Create and implement public digital literacy programs on the internet structure, possibilities and operational guidelines.
- Promote the development of the movement of digital literacy volunteers.
“Digital literacy is becoming a basic skill in the modern high-tech world, where internet safety is becoming increasingly important. This is why the skill of using IT should be taught as early on in childhood as possible, and the development of а digital culture should already begin at school. Schoolchildren should also be offered vocational guidance: those who would like to make a career in the IT sector should be given the opportunity to be able to more thoroughly study this subject. The ongoing digital transformation is also influencing the learning process, which must be modernized and we must keep up with the times,” Andrey Vorobyev, director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, said.
“I really do hope that our cooperation with the Coordination Center will be productive, and the center’s experience of promoting public digital literacy will serve teachers, children and parents. The project Explore the Internet & Govern It is available on the website of the Education Navigator (edu.asi.ru), which anyone can join,” said Andrey Blaginin, Deputy Director of the Young Professionals Direction at the ASI.
The Education Navigator, an online platform for schoolchildren, teachers and parents, was established under the ASI auspices with support of the Education Ministry of Russia. The service has brought together the country’s best companies in the sphere of extracurricular education and receives support within the framework of the federal project Digital Economy Personnel of the Digital Economy National Program.