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Internet Governance Committee holds meeting

At a regular meeting of the Internet Governance Committee, participants discussed a series of international industry events held in the first quarter of 2021: the APTLD 79 conference, the CENTR General Assembly and thematic working meetings, and the ICANN 70 forum. They also summarized the results of the first Youth Russian Internet Governance Forum (Youth RIGF 2021) and the 11th Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF 2021), held in early April.

Vadim Mikhailov, an infrastructure consultant at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, noted the initiative to create information security requirements for domain name registrars, which was discussed at the latest CENTR information security workshop. While the initiative is at the research stage, it is necessary to study the current situation concerning both requirements and recommended best practices being implemented by CENTR member registries. The research was prompted by the EU’s development of the revised Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS2). The ultimate goal of the initiative is to devise a standardized list of information security requirements for registrars, in accordance with the existing practices and the expected NIS2 directive. Vadim Mikhailov drew attention to the fact that such a list of requirements may be interesting for adaptation in Russian top-level domain registries as well.

Mikhail Anisimov, Representative of ICANN in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, spoke about new approaches to internet governance at the international level. “Ideas about internet governance change quite quickly, and now we can talk about a whole set of approaches to building a dialogue around the development of the World Wide Web. There are proposals geared towards the needs of particular areas of the industry: access, data protection, media and social networks regulation, and addressing systems. An example of this approach is the Technical Internet Governance concept, which explores how the internet works from a technical point of view. In these conditions, it is especially important to maintain a discussion with as many parties as possible, share the results, and take into account the work of others. The Internet Governance Committee provides an excellent opportunity for this,” said Mikhail Anisimov.

Director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev proposed working more closely with educational centers and universities on projects to improve digital literacy and doing more to get young people involved in the Summer School on Internet Governance and other youth projects of the Center.

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