On September 21, Moscow hosted RIF in the City, the final event of the 24th Russian Internet Forum (RIF 2020). This is the first offline Runet event since March 2020. The organizers of the forum are RAEC, ROCIT and the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.
The Coordination Center scheduled a number of informative events during the forum. The Center’s experts held the roundtable discussion, “E-commerce – an area of trust?”on e-commerce self-regulation, statutory regulation of online stores and increasing trust in online stores and e-commerce websites in the Russian domains .RU and .РФ.
The event was moderated by Director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev and Director of ROCIT Sergei Grebennikov. Attendees included Irina Danelia (Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ), Alexander Kalinin (Group-IB), Viktor Topadze (Avito), Alexander Shindyapin (OBI), Andrei Yarnykh (Kaspersky Lab) and other experts.
Director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev noted that one of the most effective mechanisms for combating fraudulent websites today is the institution of competent organizations created by the Coordination Center.
“This year the coronavirus is receiving a lot of attention. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been monitoring coronavirus-related domains. But simple monitoring is not enough. We need to check suspicious domains, and all the identified domains that contain words related to the coronavirus and the pandemic were sent for verification to our competent organizations. I would like to note the great work that Kaspersky Lab has done on this,” said Andrey Vorobyev.
At the same time, Andrey Vorobyev noted that blocking a site is not the final solution to the problem: after all, a fraudster can create a new site and continue his illegal activities. Therefore, it is necessary to establish close cooperation with government agencies. Both Russian and international experience shows that countering online fraud can be most efficient only in cooperation with government authorities.
In 2020, the Coordination Center offers users two services, which are also aimed at building confidence in e-commerce. One is WHOIS+, a service that allows you to thoroughly check a domain name and, based on this check, decide whether a website can be trusted. The other is Domain Patrol which contains information on how to safely use the internet, as well as hotlines for both competent organizations and government bodies.
Following the roundtable discussion, AndreyVorobyev was interviewed by RBC TV Editor-in-Chief Kirill Tokarev and TASS Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lana Samarina. In the interview, Andrey spoke about the work of the Coordination Center and domain registration during the coronavirus pandemic, the achievements of and prospects for the Russian domain industry, as well as about the center’s projects aimed at ensuring the cybersecurity of the domain space.