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WHOIS+, a new service of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ announces the launch of a new service called WHOIS+. This is a new customer-oriented online verification service based on the standard WHOIS.

WHOIS+ allows users to receive detailed information about a specified second-level domain name in Russian ccTLDs .RU and .РФ. Here, users can find out the exact name of a domain name registrant company in Russian and English and its TIN. At the same time, the confidentiality of personal data of private individuals – domain name registrants – is fully observed: if the registrant is an individual, no additional data about the registrant is provided.

The service also provides information on registered trademarks of a domain name registrant, the verbal designation of which coincides with the domain name specified by the user. Information is provided through the trademark verification service.

All names of fields with domain information are displayed in Russian, a detailed explanation is given for each field, and information is divided into separate blocks for better perception.

“WHOIS+ is designed for the convenience of users. In fact, all the information provided here can be found in other sources, but we have gathered this information together and in a convenient form, and now our users can quickly obtain reliable and complete data about the domain name they are interested in. Using this service, you can find out whether a domain name registrant is a legal entity or an individual, whether the legal entity’s name corresponds to the domain name, whether the corresponding trademarks are registered, and also when the domain was registered. All this information will help users to work out whether a domain and its corresponding site is a safe internet resource,” said Svetlana Lobanova, Project Manager of the Coordination Center.

WHOIS+ is free to all internet users.

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