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CC for TLD .RU/.РФ, RANS and MSLU to hold a roundtable meeting on information literacy during digital transformation

On June 8, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Russian Association of Networks and Services (RANS) and Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU) will hold a roundtable meeting on information literacy during digital transformation. The event will mark the 10th anniversary of the .РФ domain and the 90th anniversary of MSLU.

Participants will discuss expanding and increasing the efficiency of Russia’s involvement in international organizations that are developing technical standards and recommendations for ICT infrastructures (including the internet), as well as ensuring their credibility and security, and training of technical experts who would represent our country in the above mentioned international organizations.

The meeting will in particular be focusing on the organization of a new department, Information Literacy in Digital Transformation, by the Russian Association of Networks and Services (RANS) that will be based at Moscow State Linguistic University.

Roundtable hosts: Irina Krayeva (MSLU), Andrey Vorobyev (CC for TLD .RU/.РФ), Alexander Ivanyuk (RANS).

Participants: Andrei Ivashko (Federal Security Service), Sofia Zakharova (Presidential Executive Office), Alexei Goreslavsky (Dialog), Igor Milashevsky (GLONASS), Boris Miroshnikov (Citadel Group of Companies), Viktoria Bunchuk (CC for TLD .RU/.РФ), Arkady Kremer (RANS), Yelena Pravidlo (RANS) and Timofei Cherstvov (Competence Center for Information and Telecommunications Networks).

To participate in the event, please sign up by 12 pm on Sunday June 7, 2020 via

The link to the online meeting room will be sent out separately.

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