On May 12, the anniversary of the Cyrillic ccTLD .РФ, a nationwide digital dictation, 10 Years of .РФ: Internet in Russian, kicked off. The event is organized jointly by ROCIT and the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ on the platform of the ЦифровойДиктант.рф project.
The dictation is divided into two sections. The first is devoted to internationalized domain names (IDN) and email address internationalization (EAI), as well as the Cyrillic domains of Russia and neighboring countries. The questions in the second section relate to the .РФ domain: the history of its creation, the rules for registering domain names using characters of the Russian alphabet, and the specifics of using such domains.
The project has the following aims:
- to share knowledge about .РФ and opportunities to register and use Cyrillic domain names and email addresses;
- to determine the degree of Runet users’ awareness of domains in which non-Latin characters are used, in particular the letters of the Russian alphabet;
- to identify knowledge gaps for further effective work in informing users about IDN, EAI, Russian Cyrillic domains and .РФ.
Everyone can take part in the project, regardless of gender, age or level of education. You can complete the dictation online from May 12 to May 31 at https://10rf.digitaldictation.ru/.
The decision to hold a digital dictation dedicated to .РФ and Cyrillic domains was made after the results of the Russian Digital Dictation 2020, which was held online from March 28 to April 11, were announced. This year, two questions about the .РФ domain were included in the dictation, and they were among the most difficult for participants. For example, it turned out that 80 percent of adolescents and 68 percent of adults do not know that only Russian letters can be used in .РФ. The 10 Years of .РФ: Internet in Russia digital dictation strives to change this situation and raise the knowledge of Russian users about domains.
You can learn more about the history of the .РФ domain and support for Cyrillic addresses on the sites https://10.кц.рф/ и https://поддерживаю.рф/.