The Russian Digital Dictation 2020 organized by ROCIT (Regional Public Center of Internet Technologies), the All-Russia People’s Front and Microsoft will take place on March 28 – April 11 online. This will be the largest event in Russia to test participants’ knowledge of information technologies. At цифровойдиктант.рф, every user will be able to check how well they can use computer and other devices as well as know internet security rules and online etiquette. For the first time, there will be a test on innovative technologies, including artificial intelligence.
“Last year’s results showed that people are highly interested in the Digital Dictation, and also that it is important for users to test their knowledge and constantly develop their digital skills. This is why all the participants will receive personal recommendations on how to determine areas for growth and fill in any knowledge gaps following the Digital Dictation 2020. This year we hope to increase our audience and give the opportunity to a greater number of internet users to test their skills,” said ROCIT Director Sergei Grebennikov.
“Last year .RU and Runet marked their 25th anniversary, when the Coordination Center supported the first Digital Dictation, which included a lot of questions about the history of the Russian internet segment. It was successful. This year, we have another celebration: the Russian ccTLD .РФ is marking its 10th anniversary, so the new dictation will have many questions on Cyrillic domain names. In addition, we published a survey on the universal acceptance of multilingual domain names and emails. The Coordination Center has been working on this for several years, and we count on our users’ support and participation. This will speed up the introduction of .РФ email addresses, which many administrators of Cyrillic domain names are waiting for,” said Coordination Center Director Andrey Vorobyev.
The Digital Dictation is divided into four thematic sections. The first section focuses on computer literacy, the second covers working with the internet, social networks and online applications, the third deals with cybersecurity, and the fourth centers on innovative technologies. During the test, the participants will be able to check what they know on these topics, find issues that require deeper study and improve their knowledge using the teaching materials on the website. This year, the organizers have created tests for teenagers (14-17 years) and adults (18+) as well as for children (7-13) with a separate set of questions.
“According to Microsoft DCI’s annual research, last year 79 percent of Russians were subject to online risks, which is five percent higher than in 2018. The Digital Dictation is aimed at improving the situation by testing the knowledge of modern technologies and promoting the practices of safe communication online. It is important for us that as many Russians as possible understand how to use technology safely and avoid risks. Last year, almost 40,000 took part in the dictation. We will do everything we can to make this number higher this year,” noted Elza Ganeyeva, Microsoft GR Manager for Russia.
The project is made possible by the presidential grant for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grant Foundation. Kaspersky Lab, RAEC, TikTok and the Coordination Center for TLDs .RU/.РФ are the event’s partners. Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Komsomolskaya Pravda,,, the Digital Literacy website, the Russian State Youth Library, the Kurilka Gutenberga educational project, Netology, Ru-Center, MAXIMUM Education, National Technology Initiative Club Movement, and UCHI.RU interactive educational online platform are the information partners.
Follow the updates on the Digital Dictation at its website as well as on,,, and