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One of the oldest domain registrars is about to disappear

ICANN has sent a breach notice to Alice’s Registry. Contrary to its name, it is not a registry, but a domain registrar, and one of the oldest in the world at that. The San Francisco based company has been operating since 1999. Though the number of domains under its management has never exceeded several thousand, its very longevity in the domain business command respect. In addition, according to Domain Incite, the company’s founder Rick Wesson, has been actively involved in ICANN undertakings since almost the beginning.

However, it looks like the best days of Alice’s Registry are past. According to the ICANN notice, the company has outstanding fees. Moreover, the website has not been active for more than a year, and the company is not answering its telephone, and there is no way to get in touch with it. Alice’s Registry has been given until November 1 to pay up or the contract will be terminated. However, the odds of renewal are not promising given that the last time ICANN contacted Alice’s Registry, in August 2020, their representatives said they were thinking about “shutting down the registrar business.”

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