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EURid gives update on internationalized versions of .EU

EURid, the registry of the European Union ccTLD .EU, has shared statistics on the use of its internationalized versions, .ею and .ευ. As of the end of June, there were 1,369 domains registered in .ею, which is a bit lower than its 1,699 registrations a year ago, according to Domain Incite.

It is easy to see that almost all .ею registrations are from Bulgaria, the only country in the European Union where Cyrillic is the primary official script. EURid says that 51% of its .ею names have web sites in Bulgarian. Bulgaria also has 37,107 registrations in .eu.

The situation is a bit better in the Greek domain .ευ, with 2,708 registrations. It is noteworthy that .ευ was only launched in 2019, while .ею went live five years ago. However, keep in mind that the population of Greece is about 50 percent bigger than in Bulgaria: around 10.7 million compared to 7 million. Greece became part of European structures back in 1981, while Bulgaria only joined in 2007. Therefore, it is more common for Greeks to feel a sense of belonging in the EU than for Bulgarians.

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