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ITU forum to discuss child online protection

On October 27, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) will hold a virtual forum on child online protection for the CIS region. The forum’s main goal is to widely present in the CIS the new Guidelines on Child Online Protection, issued by the ITU on June 23, 2020. The dialogue at the forum will be a good opportunity to deeply analyze and discuss approaches, policies and existing practices in the area of child online protection as well as the possible application of the guidelines in CIS countries.

Coordination Center Director Andrey Vorobyev will take part in the panel discussion examining the regional approach and the national experience, including recommendations of policymakers and industry representatives. Speakers, together with their colleagues from the ITU, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), RAEC and other organizations, will exchange experience in child online protection and discuss the importance of proper regulatory measures, existing practices, industry projects and children’s education programs.

A separate session will be dedicated to the activities of international organizations. A UN Special Rapporteur and representatives of UNICEF, the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education and the ITU will discuss their approaches and work carried out at the international level. The final session will focus on the implementation of the new ITU guidelines for teachers, parents, and children.

Read more about the program and speakers on the ITU website.

Working languages: Russian/English.

Register and join the forum discussion online.

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