Another wave of anti-Chinese sentiment is growing in the United States, due to information recently disseminated by the Chinese media. Reports claim that the first COVID-19 case registered in China was actually imported from the US. The carrier of the virus allegedly turned out to be an American soldier who participated in the International Military Games held in Wuhan last October. According to the American public, the Chinese authorities want to shirk their responsibility for the emergence of the coronavirus and inaction in the early stages of its spread.
The American outrage over this narrative was also reflected in the domain space. In recent days, there have been more cases of registering anti-Chinese domain names. The most striking example is the politically incorrect domain Registered back in 2015, the domain was in possession of HugeDomains, and, apparently, nobody wished to buy it. But last week, the Whois record for this domain name changed, which means that it was sold, Domain Gang reports. Information about the new owner is hidden by the privacy settings; the domain redirects to the page of a small online store selling baseball caps, car stickers and other merchandise with the same offensive phrase. What the deal was worth is unknown, but until recently, the domain was up for sale on the HugeDomains website for $5,295.