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Universal Acceptance Readiness Framework published

The Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) has developed and published the Universal Acceptance Readiness Framework. It is designed to help developers confirm that their apps comply with the requirements of Universal Acceptance: the internet development process through which ccTLDs and emails, even in national languages, are properly identified and processed by apps and services.The document is available on the UASG website

The document is a technical instruction manual for standardizing the acceptance procedure. It divides apps into web-based (the user interface in a browser) or native (running directly on an operating system). Next, the framework classifies the components of each type of app and describes the steps necessary to check Universal Acceptance. There are six steps: 1 – how an application accepts user input which consists of UA identifiers; 2 – how an application validates a UA identifier; 3 – how an application processes them; 4 – how an application stores them; 5 – how an application processes the UA identifier after storing; 6 – how an application displays them. (Not all the steps are relevant for every app; for example, steps 4 and 5 are irrelevant if an app doesn’t store data.)

It is recommended that developers first test their apps for input and output without going into detail. If this test proves positive, the app may be considered ready for Universal Acceptance. In other cases it is necessary to carry out a more elaborate test at each step. The full framework is available on the UASG website.

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