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Domain registry confirms data leak

Network Solutions notified its clients of a security breach. It is a large domain registry, which was the first to be allowed to launch this business back on December 31, 1992. According to the notice, the breach happened in late August and was found on October 16. “A third-party gained unauthorized access to a limited number of our computer systems in late August 2019, and as a result, account information may have been accessed,” the notice reads.

Network Solutions stressed that no credit card data was compromised as a result of this incident because the data were encrypted in compliance with the requirements of the bank card industry. Still, hackers may have been able to access personal data like client names, addresses, emails, phone numbers and information about the services the company offers. The notice does not mention passwords, but this information may be enough for convincing phishing attacks and for the criminals to steal the clients’ domain names as well. Network Solutions has notified its clients that they will have to reset their passwords the next time they log in. An unnamed reputable cybersecurity company was asked to investigate the breach. The US federal authorities and law enforcement agencies were also notified, according to Bleeping Computer.

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