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Regulation on Accreditation amended

The .RU/.RF Coordination Center held its General Meeting of Founders, which decided to amend Clause 2.11. of the Accreditation Regulations on increasing the cost of services to verify the organization's competence in providing domain name registration services in the .RU and.RF domains. The new cost of services is 195,000 rubles including VAT.

The new version of the Regulation on Accreditation has been approved by a resolution of the General Meeting of Founders (Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Founders of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Autonomous Nonprofit Organization No. 34, dated February 28, 2025) and will be effective on April 10.

The meeting also considered a number of other issues, in particular, it was decided to provide targeted funding for the Center for Global IT Cooperation for 2025.

As a reminder, the General Meeting of Founders is the supreme management body of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. Currently, its founder is the Russian Federation, whose functions and powers are executed by: the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), Regional Public Center of Internet Technologies (ROCIT), Association of Documentary Telecommunication (ADT), Russian Institute for Public Networks (RIPN) and Internet Development Institute (IRI).

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