The ICANN82 Community Forum is scheduled to begin this coming Saturday, March 8, in Seattle, the United States, and will run through March 13. Experts from the Coordination Center for .RU/.РФ will be taking part in the event. ICANN community members will spend the week debating key matters concerning internet governance, as well as digital inclusion, preparing the second round in the new gTLD program, internet security and stability, as well as other major topics.
In addition, the ICANN 82 Forum’s program includes an award ceremony to honor outstanding contributions to the community.
The Coordination Center’s Deputy Director, Irina Daneliya, will take part in sessions held by the Country Code Names Supporting Organization – ccNSO. Ms. Daneliya is Deputy Chair of the Strategic & Operational Planning Committee, SOPC, and will attend its working meetings in this capacity. SOPC’s mission consists of contributing to strategic and operational planning for ICANN and PTI (Public Technical Identifiers). It has the mandate to represent ccNSO when discussing the corresponding plans and budgets.
You can find a detailed program of ccNSO sessions by following this link.
The Coordination Center’s Chief Analyst, Maria Kolesnikova, will take the floor at a session held by the ccNSO Universal Acceptance Committee on the key factors affecting universal acceptance. In her presentation, she will talk about the .РФ domain’s 15th anniversary, how it evolved over these years, and plans to develop it. Maria will also take part in other sessions on universal acceptance at the forum.
The forum will be held in a hybrid format. You can find a detailed program on its website.
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