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Cyberliteracy is key to safe future

On February 20, the 13th Dialogue Online Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference on internet security problems was held in Vladimir.

The conference was organized for high school and university students by the Vladimir Regional Library for Children and Youth, with the support of the Vladimir Region Ministry of Culture and the Novikova Vladimir Institute for Education Development. The event, which took place as part of the Safe Runet Week 2025, was attended by specialists from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

The event’s main goal was to improve the youth’s knowledge on the ways to stay safe online, as well as to train young people to recognize cyberthreats and protect personal data. The key discussion topics included cyberbullying, protecting personal information, online fraud, and digital hygiene.

Taking part in the conference were also teachers from regional educational institutions, librarians, and students from secondary vocational education institutions. Opening remarks were made by Director of the Vladimir Regional Library Tatyana Sdobnikova and Vladimir Region Deputy Minister of Digital Development Vasily Ivanov.

Internet is a powerful tool that must be approached responsibly. All of you should learn how to protect yourself, your families and friends online. Your knowledge and skills are the key to a safe future,” Vasily Ivanov emphasized.

With the growing amount of web content, we observe an increase in abusive content as well. This phenomenon of disinformation is not new: we started facing it as soon as massive flows of information began to be transmitted over the internet. Bullying is now a commonly used word, but this issue makes just one small part of the enormous cyber-humiliation problem,” head of the Center for Safe Internet in Russia Urvan Parfentyev said.

At the plenary session, Chairman of the Coordination Center Youth Council Andrei Aleinikov told the conference participants about the CCTLD’s projects for teachers and youth, and invited them to take part in the RIGF 2025 Youth Special Course as well as the Center’s other projects.

Andrei Aleinikov and CCTLD Public Relations Specialist Alina Samokhina also held a Study the Internet & Govern It quiz for Vladimir college students.

The conference took place as part of a state program, Implementation of State Youth Policy, Patriotic Education, and Support of Children and Youth’s Public Associations of the Vladimir Region.

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