On February 12, experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ spoke at several sessions of APTLD87, a conference for ccTLD registries in Asia Pacific that continues in Hong Kong.
Olga Baskakova, Project Manager at the Coordination Center, spoke at the session with the intriguing title, Juggling Figures: How We Can Make Sense out of Statistics, which focused on the use of statistics by national registries. She presented the visualization methods used by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ to analyze the dynamics of registrations and deletions, identify key trends and predict the development of Russian national domains.
“More than 6 million domain names are registered in the two Russian ccTLDs, .RU and .РФ, and up-to-date figures are extremely important for us. Visualization tools help us see detailed data and big data, record trends and get valuable insights. In recent time, we have been working on a project to visualize statistical data on our domains, and we are ready to share the first results now,” Olga Baskakova said.
Maria Kolesnikova, Chief Analyst at the Coordination Center, took part in the discussion on a multistakeholder approach to managing national domains. In her report, she discussed the internal and global aspects of this approach, and shared the Russian registry’s experience.
Maria Kolesnikova noted that the Coordination Center has always made a point of taking various stakeholders’ opinions and interests into account, including the technical, academic and civil communities. At the same time, the state plays an important role in decision-making. At the global level, the Coordination Center participates in internet governance processes as part of the technical community, representing the Russian registry in international initiatives such as the IGF, the Regional and Universal Acceptance Steering Groups.
She stressed that multistakeholderism leads to balanced solutions, but its effectiveness depends on the responsibility of the participants. It is essential to translate global agreements into action at the local level.
“The multistakeholder approach helps make informed decisions on registry issues while taking into account the views of all parties. True, at times it may be difficult to find a solution that suits everyone, but if a decision is made with all parties’ consent, it will ensure stable operation of the registry. Using this approach in projects gives us the opportunity not only to take into account all opinions, but also to partner with a wide range of groups, because in the end, our projects align with each of our partners’ goals,” Maria Kolesnikova emphasized.