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How to register portrait as trademark?

On January 29, the Committee on Legal Issues of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ held an expanded meeting attended by Coordination Center experts: Director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs Serge Kopylov and Legal Advisor Yekaterina Yevteyeva. Marina Rozhkova, Doctor of Law, Chair of the Committee on Legal Issues and President of the IP CLUB, moderated the discussion.

During this online meeting, the participants covered the legal aspects of registering portraits as trademarks, copyright verification tools, and claims under domain disputes.

Alexandra Bakhtiozina, Senior Lawyer at Seven Hills Legal and instructor at the Higher School of Economics, presented the report “Face as brand: Legal aspects of facial image registration as trademark.” Alexey Bashuk, Managing Partner of the Bashuk Chichkanov law firm, shared practical tools that help prove authorship, and presented a selection of free but effective tools. Yekaterina Gubayeva, dispute attorney at Semenov & Pevzner, spoke about claims under domain disputes, and about the protection of trademarks and subjects of copyright.

At the end of the meeting, Sergey Kopylov noted the importance of holding industry events, attended by copyright holders, focused on recent practices in domain disputes. In his closing remarks, Director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev congratulated the IP CLUB on the upcoming tenth anniversary and wished the club members success, unquenchable optimism and energy.

The recording of the Committee on Legal Issues expanded meeting is available online.

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