On December 11, at 12:00 (Moscow time) the VK page of the Safe Information Environment of Childhood project will host the tenth webinar of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Digital Ecology: For the Clean Runet. Its information partners are the .ДЕТИ domain and the Smart Internet Foundation.
Guest: Olga Baskakova, Security Project Manager at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.
During the webinar, we will discuss:
- the nature of online abusers, as well as their criminal tactics using real-life cases;
- how to become a digital ecologist, that is, take part in cleaning the Runet from spam, phishing websites and viruses;
- how to check a website for malware by domain name;
- a case of self-regulation in the IT industry and the latest statistics on the fight against phishing, viruses, and spam;
- Domain Patrol and Netoscope projects, as well as the safest space in RuNet: the .ДЕТИ domain.
Join the webinar in VKontakte. Questions for the experts can be asked in the stream chat.
The videos of all the webinars from the Safe Information Environment of Childhood series of the Coordination Center can be found in its official VK account.