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Study the Internet comes to Chelyabinsk

On October 10−14, a series of information and methodology seminars for school education workers, Cybersecurity and Children, were held in Chelyabinsk. The event was organized by the Academy of Innovative Education and Development with the support of the Department of Education of the city of Chelyabinsk. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ was a partner of the event.

On October 14, CCTLD Social Project Manager Viktoria Bunchuk held two educational events for the 8th grades of Chelyabinsk Rodionov Secondary Comprehensive School No. 68. Almost 50 schoolchildren took part in it, some of them studying in IT-specializing classes.
By a lucky coincidence, World Standards Day is marked on October 14. That is why both lessons began with a talk about how important standardization in digital technology is, both in the client and in the infrastructure part. In particular, the children discussed the importance of using layout and markup standards when creating websites and applications, which helps users with different abilities to have barrier-free access to the internet, in particular, to the content.

Next, Viktoria reminded the children about the rules of safe and ethical behavior on the internet and talked about the 30th anniversary of Russia’s ccTLD, .RU, which is marked this year, invited everyone to take part in the Digital Dictation, and finally showed the Study the Internet and Govern It project, which has online exercises that can be used for additional digital technology training, Russian cyberliteracy championship, and the latest category, Test Your Knowledge, which has recently been launched on the project’s website succeeding to the Study the Internet training app.

In conclusion of each lesson, Viktoria held two rounds of the Study the Internet quiz to test the schoolchildren’s knowledge of internet technology and help them learn new trivia about the digital world. The participants received souvenirs with the logos of the project and .RU’s 30th anniversary.

Victoria also presented School No. 68 with a Study the Internet board game on behalf of the Coordination Center, which its teachers can use for interactive educational events with children of different ages.

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