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Such a Multilingual Internet!..

On September 30 at 13:00 (Moscow time), the 9th webinar of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ "Such a Multilingual Internet!.." is going to be held on the VK platform of the project "Safe Information Environment for Childhood".
On the Russian Internet Day we will meet with Maria Kolesnikova, the Chief Analyst of the Coordination center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the Chair of the Russian Working Group on Universal Acceptance.

Together with the expert we will talk about such a phenomenon as Universal Acceptance on the network, about the issues of supporting national languages ​​on the Internet, in particular, Russian - both for creating and consuming content, and for addressing (domain names and email addresses). Maria will also tell you which international and Russian organizations are involved in these processes, what results have already been achieved, and what still needs to be done.

We invite specialists working with children and the youth, as well as parents who want to learn more about the principles of Universal Acceptance and, most importantly, the place of the Russian language in the online world, to participate in the webinar.

Join the meeting on VKontakte. You can ask the expert questions in the broadcast chat.

Recordings of all webinars of the Coordination Center from the series "Safe Information Environment for Childhood" are available in the official VK community of the Coordination Center.

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