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The IP&IT LAW – 2025 Started

In September 2024, the 10th anniversary All-Russian youth competition of works on information technology and intellectual property law – IP&IT LAW – 2025 – started.

The objectives of the IP&IT LAW – 2025 are:

  • identifying promising areas in the field of legal support for the implementation and use of digital technologies, legal protection and protection of intellectual rights in the digital environment, legal support for e-business;
  • increasing young people's interest in legal issues closely related to the development of the digital economy;
  • stimulating the growth of research activities of students, graduate students and young specialists;
  • attracting state and public attention to the legal aspects of the digital economy.

The Contest is open to persons from Russia and other countries, namely:

  • students of state and non-state universities (bachelor's, specialist, master's degree);
  • young professionals who just graduated from a university (bachelor's, specialist's, master's degree) no more than 3 years ago;
  • postgraduate students and applicants for the academic degree of candidate of legal sciences;
  • young specialists who graduated from postgraduate school or defended a dissertation of candidate of legal sciences no more than a year ago.

The Competition is held by correspondence and involves independent writing of work on one of 10 topics approved by the organizers of the Competition.

The application with the competition work must be submitted no later than February 1, 2025 (before 21:00 Moscow time).

The holding of IP&IT LAW - 2025 and the determination of its winners are regulated by the Regulation on the holding of the 10th All-Russian youth competition of works on the law of information technology and intellectual property, compliance with the rules of which is ensured by the organizing committee of the Competition. All information about the Competition is posted in the public domain on the Internet:

The evaluation of the content of the competition works is assigned to the jury, which is created specifically for the Competition and which includes specialists in the field of intellectual property and information technology law, including doctors of law and candidates of law. The regulations define the criteria for evaluating the works, which will ultimately determine the winners of the Competition.

The winners of the Competition are awarded valuable awards from the organizers and partners of the Competition - cash prizes from 50,000 rubles, certificates for free participation in educational programs, paid internships, etc. In addition, the winners can be awarded memorable awards from the partners of the Competition.

The Competition is annual and traditionally takes place under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The organizers of the Competition are IP CLUB together with the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

In 2018, the Competition was awarded the Runet Prize in the special nomination "For Contribution to the Development of Legal Thought in the Digital Society". In 2022 it was included in the rating of the main legal competitions and Olympiads Право.ru in the category "Scientific Research Competitions".

The Competition is held annually with the support of the Intellectual Property Court, in the official publication of which - the Journal of the Intellectual Property Court - the best competition works recommended by the Competition jury for publication are published. In addition, the Competition is provided with information support by Rospatent, and this year - by the Commission for the Development of Creative Industries in the Council for Financial, Industrial and Investment Policy of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Among the partners of the Competition, who award the laureates of the Competition with valuable awards and memorable prizes are: Center for International and Comparative Legal Studies, the EPAM law firm, the Statut law school, the M-Logos law institute, the manufacturer of the first Russian innovative electric car gadget ATOM - AO Kama, the law firms ALRUD, Semenov and Pevzner, Zuikov and Partners, the Garant reference and legal system.

The following act as information partners of the Competition: the Russian Agency for Legal and Judicial Information (RAPSI), the Journal of the Court for Intellectual Property Rights, the National Federation of Music Industries, the Consultant Plus reference and legal system, the Legal Academy online educational platform for lawyers, the Digital Law, Journal of Digital Technologies and Law and International Journal of Law in Changing World magazines and others.

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