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Legal Aspects of Digital Services

On September 20, the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital Technologies and Law", organized by the Kazan Innovation University named after V.G. Timiryasov and the Ministry of Digital Development of Public Administration, Information Technology and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan, was held in Kazan. The Conference was held as part of the International Forum Kazan Digital Week 2024, organized by the Government of the Russian Federation jointly with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan. The event was attended by more than 1,200 participants from 26 countries of the near and far abroad.

Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ became a partner of the Conference and together with IP CLUB organized and held the section "Digital Products and Services: Legal Aspects". The section was moderated by IP CLUB President Marina Rozhkova, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs of the Coordination Center Sergey Kopylov and Deputy Head of the Legal Department of the Coordination Center Natalia Kiseleva.

Natalia Kiseleva gave a report on the digital services of the Coordination Center, introducing the WHOIS, WHOIS + services, as well as the trademark verification service. She noted the unconditional usefulness of these services for all Internet users. Thus, the trademark verification service allows you to find out whether there are registered domain names in .RU and .РФ, and whether trademarks are registered in the Russian Federation that match the proposed (or registered) domain name or contain the specified domain name in combination with other elements of the trademark. This makes it possible to prevent reverse domain takeover, eliminate unfair competition, and, in the event of violations, promptly record and report the violation of intellectual property rights. In addition, Natalia told the audience about the celebration of the 30th anniversary of .RU and the Coordination Center's projects "Domain Patrol" and "Mentor School".

Ekaterina Evteeva, Coordination Center's legal adviser focused on certain problematic aspects of the use of intellectual property in employer-employee relations in the report "Observance of Intellectual Property Rights in the Creation of Digital Products and Services". She noted that when creating digital products and services, the employer should carefully formalize the rights to the official results of intellectual activity, and this is the key to long-term and conflict-free labor relations.

"Participation in the Conference and the organization of a separate section are very useful for the Coordination Center. This is a great opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge with colleagues from other regions, as well as to develop new approaches to solving legal problems not only in the domain industry, but also in other Internet industries," Natalia Kiseleva commented on the results of the Conference.

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