The IT Timurovites (member of a youth organization for helping people in need)-Game Practitioners Festival was held in Barnaul from September 18 to 21, bringing together more than 100 participants - delegations of students, teachers, parents from different regions of Russia. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ acted as a partner of the event.
As part of the Festival, educational master classes were held by the experts of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. The Head of Special Projects of the Coordination Center Evgeny Pankov held a master class on the basics of information security and a quiz "Study the Internet - Govern It!" for the participants, and the Head of the Project Department of the Coordination Center Olga Yakovleva introduced the festival participants to the ecosystem of the "Study the Internet" project. The project ecosystem includes many tools for interactive learning: the online game "Knowledge", a quiz for offline events, a section with tests, a dictionary of Internet terms, online tournaments and championships, lessons on safe Internet, a training module for blind users, a tool for creating lessons based on the theoretical and practical material of the "IT Lesson" project, the School of Mentors and several other related projects.
For the first time, a board game based on the educational project "Study the Internet - Govern It!" was presented and tested during the Festival. The game aroused great interest among the participants, and many schools requested it for use in the educational process.
Also, a colorful longread based on the results of the Summer Research Expedition of IT Timurovites "Sound, Altai, in Native Languages!" was presented at the Festival. The expedition "On the Roerich's Trail" took place from July 23 to 30 in the Altai Mountains and united two regions: the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic. Experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ took an active part in the event and held lessons on safe internet in rural schools of Altai and told about "Study the Internet - Govern It!".
"We are glad that our educational initiatives are of great interest to students, teachers and parents. Students and teachers from the Primorsky and Altai Territories hope that our new board game "Study the Internet" will appear in schools in the regions and will take a worthy place in the teachers' toolbox, will help students and teachers in developing knowledge in the field of IT technologies. And the knowledge of information security obtained during the festival will help to avoid mistakes when interacting with an aggressive digital environment," Olga Yakovleva said.