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RCC Interested in Increasing of Domain Registrars Number

On September 5-6, interviews with conference participants ‒ domain industry experts, representatives of public organizations, IT specialists ‒ were recorded at TLDCON 2024. The initiator of these interviews was the Youth Council of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, and the interviewers were Anastasia Savelyeva, a member of the Youth Council of the Center, curator of the Russian Summer School on Internet Governance.

The series of interviews opens with a conversation with Alexey Borodin, Director General of the Executive Committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC). Alexey Borodin spoke about plans for cooperation and interaction in the region and at the global level, the importance of involving domain registrars in solving critical issues of Internet development, the work of RCC with young people, and much more.

The RCC is an interstate coordination body, and there are two levels of interaction between the countries in the region: the level of digital development ministries and the level of operator companies. Alexey Borodin emphasized that the council of operators includes all the largest telecom companies operating in the markets of the RCC countries, as well as equipment manufacturers and other IT companies.

"The Internet is naturally a very important element in the communication networks of our region, and therefore we are interested in increasing the number of domain registrar companies, companies providing technical infrastructure for the Internet, so that the services of the operators of our countries have a deeper penetration. Therefore, first of all, an important priority in the work of the RCC is the involvement of companies that deal with the Internet in the discussion of these important issues," Alexey Borodin said in an interview.

He also spoke about the work being done within the RCC to ensure equal, fair and secure access to the Internet via satellite communications services, and what regulatory and antitrust proposals in this regard are currently being developed jointly with the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and the Interstate Council on Antimonopoly Policy.

The full version of the interview with Alexey Borodin can be found on the RUTUBE channel of the Coordination Center for Domains .RU/.РФ.

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