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Information Security ‒ One of APTLD 86 Central Topics

On September 18, the official opening of the APTLD 86, which is being held by the Asia-Pacific Top-Level Domains Association, took place in Da Nang (Vietnam). The Conference is being held in a hybrid format, with more than 110 participants gathered on site and about 50 more people participating online. The Conference will last 2 days, its program includes plenary sessions, panel discussions, working sessions and discussions. The Conference is attended by experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

The Conference participants were welcomed by APTLD Chairman of the Board Ai-chin Lu, Mr. Nguyen Quang Thanh, Director, Da Nang Department of Information and communications and General Director of VNNIC (registry of Vietnam ccTLD .VN) Nguyen Hong Thang.

They noted the importance and relevance of such topics as ensuring information security and combating Domain Abuse, the use of artificial intelligence in the domain sphere, the launch of the second round of the New gTLD program - all these topics will be discussed during APTLD 86.

The conference work program began with the sections "Members’ Updates" and "Partner Organizations’ Updates", the speakers of which spoke about recent events and trends in the domain industry, shared their experience and proposed new topics for discussion. Alexey Rogdev, General Director of the Technical Center for Internet, focused on the topic of import substitution and the transition to domestic software products in his speech. He noted the importance of this process and shared the experience of such a transition within his company.

This year, several post-Soviet domains at once - .RU, .BY, .KZ and .AM - celebrate their 30th anniversary, and this also did not go unnoticed: for example, Vesmira Harutyunyan, a representative of the Armenian .AM domain, spoke about the celebration of the anniversary.

Olga Baskakova, the Head of the Coordimation Center’s projects, spoke at a session dedicated to the fight of national registries against cyber threats – “Cyber Threats - How Do We Handle Them?”. She spoke about approaches to combating the Domain Abuse in the Russian zones .RU and .РФ, including within the framework of the “Domain Patrol” project. Olga Baskakova covered in detail measures to combat phishing, fraud and other types of cybercrime, emphasizing the importance of interaction with law enforcement agencies, banks and providers.

And tomorrow, September 19, at the section “In search of a New Way of Thinking: AI and How It impacts ccTLDs?” will be addressed by Vadim Mikhailov, a consultant for Infrastructure of the Coordination Center. He will be talking about the participation of the Coordination Center in the retraining of MAI students in the programs “Applied tasks and frameworks of machine learning and big data analysis” and “Intelligent technical systems”.

Let us recall that the Asia-Pacific Top-Level Domains Association (APTLD) unites more than 50 national registries of the region, including the registries of the largest national top-level domains: Russia, China, India and other countries. APTLD was created in 1998 and is one of four regional organizations of registries of national top-level domains. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ has been participating in the work of APTLD since 2010.

The Conference is still on, follow our publications!

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