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"Internet governance forums are Another Expert Platform for Interaction Between Specialists from Different Countries"

On September 16, the 18th International Forum "Partnership of the State, Business and Civil Society in Ensuring International Information Security" opened in Moscow. The Forum, organized by the National Association of International Information Security (NAIIS), is being held from September 16 to 18 at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The goal of the Forum is to discuss current issues of cooperation in the ICT environment and the formation of an international information security system in modern conditions. More than 300 delegates from 28 countries are taking part in the forum.

NAIIS President Boris Miroshnikov in his welcoming speech said that the National Association of International Information Security is accredited to the UN, and the association's experts are actively involved in work related to international information security issues. The President of NAIIS also shared the plans of the association's members and the results of their current work, in particular, he spoke about NAIIS research. He noted that the association supports students and young professionals involved in international information security issues and actively cooperates with universities.

Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, addressed at the plenary session. He emphasized the role of the technical community in Internet Governance processes and noted that community representatives not only solve applied problems, but also take an active part in developing policies that should be developed taking into account the opinions of technical specialists.

Andrey Vorobyev also spoke about the importance of national and regional Internet governance forums:

The Coordination Center has been organizing the Russian Internet Governance Forum for 15 years, and the Center’s experts take an active part not only in Russian events, but also in conferences organized by foreign colleagues. And we can confidently talk about the importance of expert interaction, a convenient platform for which is, among other things, Internet governance forums. Within the framework of such events, representatives of not only different communities and industries, but also countries can share their views on existing problems and work together to find solutions.”

Experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ are taking part in the forum's work program. Vladimir Gorzhaltsan, Advisor to the Director of the Coordination Center, will address the round table "Digital Sovereignty as the Basis for Forming an International Information Security System," which is taking place today. The topic of his speech will be cooperation between states in a multipolar digital world.

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