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New Composition of Coordination Center Youth Council Formed

With the beginning of autumn, the new composition of the Youth Council of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ traditionally begins its work. This year, it includes 18 people. A total of 46 applications from different cities of Russia were submitted for participation in the new Council: Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Innopolis, Kashira, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Izhevsk, Samara, St. Petersburg, Tula, Tyumen, Cheboksary and others.

The profiles of those who submitted applications are very diverse: jurisprudence, product management, law enforcement, intellectual property, journalism, development, information and international security, research and teaching, international economics, intelligent security systems, graphic design and SMM. Among those who submitted applications, there are also many undergraduate and graduate students, postgraduate students, university researchers, and teachers.

"It is interesting to observe how the composition of applications submitted for participation in the Youth Council changes. In this set, we received many applications not only from young specialists, but also from undergraduate and graduate students," Andrey Aleinikov, Chairman of the Youth Council, said.

He noted that this year there was a strong qualitative growth in applications submitted to the Summer School on Internet Governance, and this trend can also be seen in applications to the Youth Council.

"I hope that the diverse experience of the new Council members and the well-established interaction of the previous members - some of whom remained in the Youth Council this year - together will create a synergy effect that will lead to productive work and become the basis of the community of young interested experts," he added.

The Youth Council has been operating on a voluntary basis since 2018. The Council members take part in initiatives related to the development of ccTLDs .RU and .РФ and their technological infrastructure, as well as social, educational and awareness-raising projects.

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