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"Study the Internet - Govern It" 2024 Started

Registration has begun for the XIII All-Russian Online Championship "Study the Internet - Govern It" ‒ a competition in digital literacy for students under 18. Registration will last until November 11.

This year, the Championship tasks are devoted to a narrow topic - the Domain Name System (DNS). Participants will answer questions about the DNS infrastructure and hierarchy, the processes of managing the DNS and related organizations, the history and events of the industry. One of the sets of tasks is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of .RU and the Runet as a whole, which is widely celebrated in 2024.

The Championship is held in individual and team competitions within two stages:

  • in the first stage, participants will have to complete creative tasks: publish a post about the Championship and prepare infographics about one website from the Catalog of the best resources with an address in .ДЕТИ; completed works are accepted until November 11;
  • and in the second stage, they will have to complete an online tournament of 24 interactive tasks of varying difficulty, access to which will open on November 12 in a special section of the project website "Study the Internet - Govern It".

The results of the online championship will be announced on December 4. The winners in the individual and team standings will be awarded diplomas and valuable prizes ‒ certificates from the OZON marketplace and the Litres library of electronic and audio books. The authors of the best works completed within the framework of the creative stage of the Championship will be separately noted.

Awards have also been prepared for the captains of the winning teams - these are certificates from the Рег.ру company for registering .ДЕТИ and creating a website using a constructor for a period of 3 months.

Participants of the Championship who do not become leaders will receive personalized electronic certificates.

The All-Russian online championship "Study the Internet - Govern It" is traditionally held by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ with the support of Rostelecom.

"Study the Internet - Govern It" is online games, a quiz, training tests, a dictionary and tournaments that will help you understand the intricacies of the Internet and digital technologies, become experienced Internet users and learn how to surf the Internet safely. The project is also designed to awaken the interest of students in professions related to digital technologies.

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