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Internet Governance: "We See Urgent Need for Global Reforms"

On September 5, TLDCON 2024 hosted a lecture "Global Internet Governance - Quo Vadis?", delivered by Desiree Milosevic, RIPE Cooperation Working Group Co-Chair, ICANN GNSO Councillor, expert and consultant on issues related to Internet Governance.

The question "Quo Vadis?" - "Where Are We Going?" - was considered in the context of global Internet Governance. Desiree Milosevic spoke in detail about such current processes as the Internet Governance Forum, the Global Digital Compact (GDC) and the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), and considered the prospects for continuing the mandate of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The lecturer paid much attention to the changes that are currently taking place in the field of Internet Governance.

"The Internet Governance model we live in today was created when there were no challenges that we are facing now. And we all understand that it cannot exist for so many years in its original form, and we see an urgent need for global reforms," Desiree Milosevic said.

Desiree believes that the most important factor for the further development of the entire Internet Governance system is the collaboration of all participants in this model and the deepening of cooperation between technical specialists and representatives of civil society, business, and academia.

Then the section "Research and its results" was held, moderated by Elena Voronina (InData).

Qasim Lone (RIPE NCC) spoke about the causes of the most frequent network failures and RIPE tools that allow you to evaluate the speed of Internet nodes, as well as quickly find problems in the passage of traffic. Dmitry Kovalenko (MSK-IX) shared information on the practice of determining the network availability of DNS nodes of Russian national domains .RU and .РФ using RIPE Atlas. He noted that traffic localization at the regional level is still insufficient, despite the fact that it ensures the availability of network resources and improves the user experience of telecom operators' clients.

Anna Podguk (Indata) shared her experience of import substitution in Internet measurements. She spoke about the creation of a Russian system for determining the availability of network resources in the context of the APNIC system ceasing to work with the Russian segment of the Internet. In addition to her presentation, Pavel Khramtsov spoke about the work of young Indata specialists to create visualizations of protocol-independent network statistics. He noted that such a tool is necessary today due to the widespread use of network protocol encapsulation.

Sergey Grebennikov (RAEC) shared the latest data on the situation in the RuNet economy. He noted that the volume of the Russian Internet economy by the end of 2023 reached 17.1 trillion rubles, and its growth was more than 40%. According to RAEC, more than 85% of Russian residents use the Internet almost daily, and the volume of the Internet economy by the end of this year will reach 23.8 trillion rubles.

Speaking about the development of individual sectors of the Internet economy, Sergey Grebennikov particularly noted the significant growth last year in the digital content segment, which had previously been subject to rather pessimistic forecasts. He named import substitution and public-private partnerships, which will continue to drive the development of the network, as the main trends of the Runet that ensure its high growth rate.

We see a trend that the Internet business that operates today in the Russian Federation has a lot of projects with the state. I think that this trend will become more and more evident both in Russia and abroad. And those companies that resist it will, of course, lose. This is something that has become an axiom,” the head of RAEC said.

The first day of TLDCON 2024 was completed by the “Sum of Technologies” section, hosted by Georgy Georgievskiy (Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ). The section was devoted to the relationship between marketing and technology.
Evgeniy Yunusov, .UZ (Uzbekistan), shared his experience of using NFT certificates to protect domain names. This technology has been used by the Uzbek registry for the second year. When receiving an NFT certificate, Blockchain technology is used, which makes the domain security highly reliable.

Evgeniy Glotov, .KG (Kyrgyzstan) spoke about how the national domain .KG lives and develops today. The domain has 15,500 domain names, new services for users are appearing. And in 2025, the .KG domain will celebrate its 30th anniversary.

Ilya Krukover (Ardis) presented a number of the company's services, including the service for registering expiring domains developed by Ardis and software for hosting providers. He also shared his experience in finalizing the BILLmanager billing system for working with domains.

Andrey Savelyev ( gave a detailed overview of the state of the secondary sales market for domain names in .RU, .РФ, .SU. He noted that the number of sales on the secondary market in 2024 fell sharply, and some large domainers are leaving the market, selling domains from their packages almost at cost.

Karen Kazaryan (ANO "Digital Economy") spoke about the transformation of the approach to measuring the digital economy and the use of domain activity for this measurement. He noted that international assessments of the digital economy operate with indicators that take into account different levels of digital maturity of companies, and one of the basic indicators is the presence and use of websites and domains by businesses to promote their own goods and services. Thus, registering domains for new projects indicates growth, while abandoning domains, on the contrary, is a clear sign of a decline or reorganization of the business. The complexity and maturity of sites is shown, for example, by the use of TLS protocols.

Nikita Novikov (TCI) spoke about the current situation with the use of TLS certificates in Russia. He noted that according to the Domains of Russia, slightly more than a third (36%) of delegated domestic domains in the .RU, .РФ, .SU zones have valid TLS certificates, while the vast majority of these certificates were issued by foreign certification authorities. This creates a number of serious threats, and the solution to the problem is the creation of domestic certification authorities. One of such centers was created by the Internet Technical Center in 2022. At the end

of the section, Natalia Filina and Laura Margolis presented their DotDucky project. They shared the results of their study of the best regional practices for managing country and geographic domains within the framework of the business management model.

The conference continues its work! Join the broadcast of the TLDCON 2024 sessions on the Conference website, Rutube and YouTube. And follow our publications!

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