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TLDCON 2024 Started

On September 5, the 17th International Conference of Registrars and Registrars of the CIS, Central and Eastern Europe (TLDCON 2024) began its work in the capital of Belarus, Minsk. The Conference will last two days. It was attended by over 180 representatives of TLD registries, domain industry specialists, information security experts, lawyers from Russia, the CIS and other countries. The Conference will feature 6 sections, with over 40 speakers.

The Conference was opened by Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

"We are pleased to hold our Conference on Belarusian soil ‒ we have long-standing warm business and friendly relations with our colleagues from the Republic of Belarus, and our national domains are the same age: both the Russian .RU and the Belarusian .BY turned 30 in 2024. We congratulate two more CIS registries (.AM, Armenia and .KZ, Kazakhstan) on the 30th anniversary of national domains, whose representatives also gathered in Minsk today. And we see that we have something to discuss: issues of ensuring the information security of our users, the earliest possible implementation of the principles of Universal Acceptance of non-Latin domains, the development of the Internet Governance system, and regulation of the Internet space are of concern to specialists of registries and domain registrars in our region. And I am confident that during the planned discussions we will be able to find the right approaches to these tasks and propose ways to solve them,” Director of the Center said.

First Deputy Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus Pavel Tkach added that this year Minsk is hosting TLDCON 2024 and bringing together the professional community to discuss key issues related to the development of the Internet and national top-level domains.

Partnership relations between our countries during such conferences and forums play a key role in shaping the overall strategy for the development of the Internet. Only by working together can we continue to develop national domains, ensure user safety and support cultural diversity on the Internet,” Pavel Tkach said.

He also cited data on the development of the Internet in the Republic of Belarus: the share of the population using the Internet is 91.5%, broadband penetration is 35 units per 100 people, and wireless is more than 103 units, the average volume of traffic consumed in a fixed network is 200 GB, and in a mobile network - 10 GB.

General Director of Sergey Povalishev spoke about the development of Belarusian domain zones: in 2024, among new registrations, 63% were domains in the .BY zone, 5.7% in the .БЕЛ zone and another 5.6% in the .RU zone. At the same time, the .RU zone took third place for the first time, overtaking the .COM zone.

"This year, the .BY zone celebrated its 30th anniversary, and we are proud that thanks to our efforts, the domain zone began to operate according to international standards. In addition, 10 years ago we launched the .БЕЛ zone, which became the second largest Cyrillic zone in the world. Today, we can confidently say that we have succeeded," he added

Deputy Director of Belarusian Cloud Technologies LLC (beCloud, technical administrator of the .BY and .БЕЛ zones) Sergey Prokopov presented statistics on Belarusian domains. A total of 146,000 names have been registered in the republic: 93,000 of them are registered by legal entities, 53,000 by individuals. At the same time, 10% are registered by foreign users, and 90% by residents of Belarus, individuals and legal entities. He also noted that in 2016, the .BY and .БЕЛ zones reached a plateau of saturation and explosive growth is not expected at the moment.

The Conference continues its work! Join the broadcast of TLDCON 2024 sessions on the conference website, Rutube and YouTube:

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