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Coordination Center Projects Presented in Vologda

Experts of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ addressed the Regional Civil Women's Forum "Women of the Vologda Region - for Development and a Happy Family". The Forum was held from August 19 to 23 at various venues in Vologda, Cherepovets, and other municipalities of the Vologda Region. During these five days, several thousand women took part in the events, both in person and online. Live broadcasts of the Forum on the Internet gathered over 30,000 viewers.

On August 22, the Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev addressed the section dedicated to education issues. The moderator of the section was the Rector of the Academy of Innovative Education and Development, member of the Public Council under the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Olga Rubtsova.

Andrey Vorobyev told the forum participants about the educational and youth projects of the Coordination Center: the interactive project "Study the Internet - Govern It", the Summer School on Internet Governance, the Youth Council of the Coordination Center, the podcast and the discussion club "Digital Reality".

On the final day of the Forum, August 23, Andrey Vorobyev presented the Coordination Center projects related to online security to the forum participants. He spoke about self-regulation of the industry as a method of combating Domain Abuse in the .RU and .РФ zones, introduced the audience to phishing statistics in RuNet and the institute of competent organizations that are engaged in combating fraud on the Internet, spoke about the dynamics of the number of requests in the Coordination Center's "Domain Patrol" project, about the brands most susceptible to fraudsters' attacks, and shared a forecast for the near future.

Head of Special Projects of the Coordination Center Evgeny Pankov held a quiz for the audience "Study the Internet - Govern It!" - all participants received prizes from the Coordination Center.

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