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Summer School on Internet Governance 2024 Concluded

On August 20, the results of the fifth Russian Summer School on Internet Governance were summed up.

Let us remind you that a total of 248 applications from 10 countries were submitted to participate in the School this year, and 40 best participants were admitted to the second stage of the Summer School. The second stage of the School is the main one - it is an additional education program from St. Petersburg State University (SPbU). The program involves an emphasis on teamwork in small groups, as a result of which participants conduct joint research on topical issues within the course.

Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, addressed the final meeting. He shared his observations of the work of the participants and spoke about the prospects for the development of the field of Internet governance.

I am glad to congratulate those who reached the final of the main stage. I would like to point out that this year we have seen not only a qualitative increase in the number of applications submitted, but also a high level of development of final theses, each of which is worthy of being published on the School website,” Andrey Vorobyev said.

He also noted that thanks to feedback from students and graduates of the School, it is possible to improve the learning process in it. “In previous years, we collected feedback - graduates of the Summer School asked to make more groups with fewer participants to complete group projects. This year we conducted an experiment and did it. And I think it was beneficial,” he added.

As part of the summing up of the meeting, curator of the Summer School on Internet Governance 2024 Anastasia Savelyeva (SPbU) also thanked the participants for their responsible approach to completing the tasks and inviting everyone to join the projects of the Coordination Center: a Special Course for young people within the RIGF, the discussion club "Digital Reality" and the podcast of the same name, and also spoke about international events and programs that can become a continuation of the educational track in the field of Internet Governance.

The final test for the participants was the final work - an individual analytical essay. Based on the results of the assessment of the works, SPbU experts noted the best essays, which, according to tradition, will be published on the website of the Summer School on Internet Governance.

All 40 participants successfully completed the tasks and will receive SPbU certificates for mastering the additional education program.

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