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Coordination Center’s Experts Took Part in Summer Internship of Saf Internet League

On July 10, experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, F.A.C.C.T and Kaspersky Lab took part in the summer internship of the Safe Internet League and told trainees about various aspects of cybersecurity.

Center’s Project Manager Olga Baskakova introduced students to the basics of domain security. She identified three main trends in this area: informing and training users, combating illegal content, and creating a space of trust, which includes many different aspects ‒ from protecting personal data at the legislative level to using modern identification and authentication methods and improving data quality when registering domain names.

Olga spoke about the Institute of Competent Organizations, which currently includes 12 participating companies, and also shared information about the projects of the Coordination Center, whose work is aimed at increasing the security of the Russian domain space: Domain Patrol and Netoscope. She drew the attention of listeners to the growth of phishing: more requests have already been made through the Domain Patrol in 2024 than in the entire 2022.

Chief expert of Kaspersky Lab Sergey Golovanov made a presentation on the threat landscape in cyberspace and provided an overview of information security incidents in Russia.

Sergey noted that cybersecurity specialists most often have to respond to incidents in government agencies, industrial enterprises and financial institutions. Phishing has become one of the most serious problems: according to Kaspersky Lab, in 2023 the number of blocked phishing links in Russia increased 5 times. He also told listeners that according to the report “On Significant Data Leaks in Russia” from the Kaspersky Digital Footprint Intelligence team in 2023, 133 cases of publications of significant databases of Russian companies were recorded and 315 million user data were published, which is 33% more than in 2022.

Sergey Zolotukhin, cybersecurity consultant at F.A.C.C.T., spoke about the evolution of phishing and the company’s experience in research and combating cybercrime. As examples, Sergey cited real cases with crimes and methods of attackers and shared ways to combat them. He noted that in the first half of 2023, the number of phishing resources and tools with the Telegram API alone increased 5 times, which once again confirms the conclusions of Olga Baskakova and Sergey Golovanov that the number of phishing is growing every year, and recently this growth is getting faster and faster.

At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Youth Council of the Center, Andrey Aleinikov, told the participants about the Summer School on Internet Governance and the Youth Council and invited them to apply for participation in them. We remind you that applications for the Youth Council will be accepted until August 15. Andrey also conducted a quiz “Study the Internet - Govern It!” with questions on the topic of cybersecurity - all teams demonstrated excellent knowledge and received prizes from the project.

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