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Third Mentor School “Study the Internet” Launched During ITO 2024

On June 26, Head of the Project Department of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Olga Yakovleva announced the start of the third enrollment in the School of Mentors “Study the Internet” during the conference “Modern Information Technologies in Education” (ITE 2024). During the section “Training Teachers of the Future,” she spoke about the project’s opportunities for teachers, shared the results of the first two sets and announced the start of registration for the third set of the School of Mentors.

We set ourselves the task of providing working tools to teachers, increasing the level of their information and communication competencies so that our graduates have the opportunity to transfer this knowledge to both colleagues in schools and their students, using interactive game tools. Participants in the School of Mentors will be able to not only improve their qualifications in matters of developing the foundations of digital literacy in children and adolescents and learn to use modern information technologies and tools as part of the educational process, but also expand the range of their knowledge in the field of Internet management and infrastructure, and become acquainted with modern information technologies and learn safe behavior online,” Olga Yakovleva said.

The School of Mentors “Study the Internet” was organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ together with the Academy of Innovative Education and Development on the basis of the interactive educational project “Study the Internet - Govern It.”

Everyone who successfully passes the certification work and completes their studies at the School will receive a state-issued certificate of advanced training, a certificate as a mentor for the “Study the Internet - Govern It”, as well as access to a community of experts in the field of education.

Participation in the School is free, but the number of places is limited. To apply for training, you must fill out an application till August 11, listen to introductory lectures on the GetCourse platform and complete a short assignment. The decision to enroll in the School is made by the organizers based on the results of the test task.

The main course program starts on August 14 and ends at the end of August. The training will take place online on the GetCourse platform. The schedule, topics of webinars and the list of experts have already been published on the School’s website.

The development of digital literacy among students is directly related to the readiness of teachers for this type of activity. The higher the level of mastery of digital competencies of a teacher, the higher the likelihood of early introduction of students to digital technologies, their conscious use of digital services, tools, digital content to solve specific practical problems,” Olga Yakovleva said.

In less than a year of operation, the School of Mentors “Study the Internet” has become very popular among teachers. To participate in the first and second Schools, 550 applications were submitted from 55 regions of Russia, and 110 teachers were trained. The vast majority of specialists who applied for training have higher education and teach computer science at schools and universities, there are also many mathematicians and physicists, there were applications from teachers of biology, foreign languages, music, Russian language and literature.

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