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“Everyone Needs to be Trained in Information Technology”

On June 26, the 35th Conference with International Participation “Modern Information Technologies in Education” (ITE 2024) began its work. The Conference is held in an online format and is held by the Foundation for New Technologies in Education "BAYTIK" and the Administration of Troitsk with the support of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of Moscow, Institute of Physics, Technology and Information Systems of Moscow State Pedagogical University, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

More than 700 participants ‒ teachers, additional education tutors, methodologists, representatives of schools, kindergartens, colleges, universities, parents of students from Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries ‒ registered for the Conference. Over two working days at ITO 2024, 60 expert presentations will be delivered, as well as master classes, discussions, experience sharing, and much more.

Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev co-moderated the Plenary Session and spoke about the Center’s projects for children and the youth in the field of cybersecurity and Internet Governance.

This year we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of .RU and the entire Runet. And we see how Runet has changed over the years. It began as a media environment where, unlike radio and television, the user could choose when and what to watch. Then we experienced a surge in the development of social networks, where at first users themselves decided with whom they would like to share information in their feed and from whom they would receive it. Today we see recommendation feeds in which the choice is made by an algorithm based on AI. The era of AI begins right now, and we are talking about the humanization of the digital sphere, and every person needs to be taught information technologies,” Andrey Vorobyev said.

During the plenary session, there were also presentations by Andrey Sebrant, Director of Strategic Marketing at Yandex, Sergey Lozovenko, Director of the Institute of Physics, Technology and Information Systems at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Head of the Information and Methodological Support Department at Moscow Higher Technical University named after Bauman Valentina Burenina, Head of the Committee on Informatization of Education of "Domestic Soft" Anastasia Gorelova, Rector of the Academy of Innovative Education and Development Olga Rubtsova, Executive Director of the Foundation for New Technologies in Education "Baytik" Daria Kalabukhova and other experts.

Information technologies make an entertaining contribution to the educational process both in an educational organization and within the family, and this factor must be taken into account. If earlier we had three factors that influenced the formation of personality - school, family and social environment, now we have added one more - the information environment,” Olga Rubtsova said.

In parallel to the adult conference, also in an online format, the All-Russian children's conference “Smart World through the Hands of Children” is being held, where preschoolers and students will present their projects and developments in the field of information technology. The children's conference has been held for seven years now, and every year the children show more and more complex and interesting projects. There is a virtual exhibition of all projects on the children's conference website.

The materials of both conferences can be found on the websites and, where you can connect to the broadcasts or watch the recordings on YouTube.

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