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Safe Internet Lessons for School Summer Camp Students

On June 19, experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ conducted Safe Internet Lessons at summer school camps in New Moscow. Our experts visited the children's day camp of the Baytik Foundation for primary students and the summer camp of the Troitsk Gymnasium.

The project manager of the Center, Evgeniy Pankov, introduced students to the basics of correct behavior and security on the Internet, the principles of network operation, talked about what information security is and how not to fall for the bait of cyber fraudsters. The topic turned out to be relevant and interesting for both younger guys and older children, and in total more than 120 children took part in the Lesson.

After the lessons, students were invited to take part in the quiz “Study the Internet - Govern It.” Among the guys were real Internet experts who answered most of the questions correctly. In general, most of the children demonstrated a good understanding of Internet technologies. All participants in the quiz received prizes: souvenirs from the Coordination Center and the “Study the Internet - Govern It” project and fascinating comics “Styopa’s Adventure on the Internet.”

Both the participants and the teachers really enjoyed the lesson and the quiz. The event was highly appreciated by the Director of the Troitsk Gymnasium, Natalia Verigina, and the Director of the Baytik Foundation, Daria Kalabukhova.

This is not the first time we have conducted Safe Internet Lessons for children from children’s camps in New Moscow - last year our “landing party” already landed here. And just last year’s Lessons became the starting point for a whole direction in our work: conducting similar lessons for younger students. During the past academic year, we conducted Safe Internet Lessons in various schools in Moscow and are going to continue this initiative in the next academic year. It’s nice to see that our efforts are not in vain, and the level of digital literacy of primary school students is growing - this was demonstrated during our quiz,Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, said.

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