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Coordination Center for .RU/.РФ 2023 Activities Report Published

The next General Meeting of Founders of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ took place on June 18. During the meeting, the report of the Director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev on the results of the organization’s activities in 2023, including a report on the execution of the budget (financial plan), was reviewed and approved.

The report on the results of the activities of the Coordination Center in 2023, in particular, notes that the emerging trend towards import substitution had a positive impact on the work of the Coordination Center and the development of the Russian domain space, which resulted in an increase in the number of registrations in .RU and .РФ. Thus, in the Russian ccTLD .RU at the end of 2023, 5,439,137 domain names were registered, which is more than the predicted figure by 612,820 domain names or +12.7%. In 2023, the .RU domain became the leader in growth among all national top-level domains and ranks 6th in the total number of registered domain names. At the end of 2023, 768,883 domain names were registered in .РФ. .РФ has retained its position as the largest Cyrillic domain among national top-level domains.

The report also pays great attention to issues of information security and the fight against malicious resources. For the period from January to December 2023 inclusive, competent organizations sent 54,977 requests to registrars about the use of domain names in the .RU and .РФ zones to address resources with malicious activity, which is 236.79% more than the previous year (16,324).

In 2023, the development of the Domain Patrol continued, ensuring interaction between competent organizations and registrars in combating the misuse of domain names. Changes were made to the Domain Patrol website in the Hotlines section, and the functionality of the Domain Patrol Information System was improved, which affected the quality and speed of processing requests related to illegal resources. In 2023, 12 competent organizations interacted with accredited registrars.

The report also describes in detail the social projects of the Coordination Center, including the new Center’s project “School of Mentors ‘Study the Internet’”. The first Mentor School was held in the fall of 2023. The organizers received about 200 applications from 55 regions of Russia, and more than 60 specialists working with children and youth became graduates of the School and holders of Certificates of Advanced Training, including educators, teachers, teachers of secondary specialized educational institutions and higher schools.

In general, the report notes that the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ was active in the field of administration of national Russian domains .RU and .РФ, and also took part in government and public initiatives that are of great importance for the Russian Internet community, carried out activities to involve young people in Internet Governance processes and to expand the use of the Internet in Russia. All activities were carried out in accordance with the Priority Areas of Activity (Development Strategy) of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ until 2025.
Also at the meeting, the information and financial report of the ANO “Center for Global IT-Cooperation” based on the results of work in 2023 was reviewed and taken into account.

In addition, the meeting participants considered the issue of participation of the Coordination Center in industry organizations and a number of other issues.

Let us remind you that the General Meeting of Founders is the supreme governing body of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. The founders of the Coordination Center are currently the Russian Federation, the functions and powers on behalf of which are carried out by Roskomnadzor, the Regional Public Organization "Center for Internet Technologies" (ROCIT), the NGO "Russian Association for Networks and Services" (RANS), the ANO "Russian Research Institute for the Development of Public Networks" public networks" (RIPN) and ANO "Internet Development Institute" (IRI).

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