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“School of Real Projects” Winners Announced

On May 23, the finals of the 12th competition of projects and applied research for students based on real problems of employers “School of Real Projects” took place in Moscow. The defense of the final projects took place at the Center of Cultures of the Higher School of Economics.

This year, 124 schools, 7 colleges and 7 universities in Moscow, more than 50 regional schools, colleges and technical schools became participants in the Competition. In addition to 3,000 Moscow students of schools and over 400 students from more than 20 regions of our country, as well as from Abkhazia, Belarus, Armenia and Kazakhstan, worked on the cases. Last year, guys from India, the Czech Republic, France, and Kyrgyzstan joined the School of Real Affairs. This year, the cases were solved for the first time by guys from the UK and Nigeria.

Traditionally, the Competition is a platform for the development and solution of engineering projects and tasks that employers offer students. Students select the most interesting ideas for themselves at a case fair and work on their implementation for four months.

This season, 42 companies became School of Real Projects partners and offered 70 cases to the teams. 218 teams reached the finals.

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ was also among the School’s employers and this time offered two cases to its participants. One involved creating an IT lesson based on online simulators and other digital tools of the “Study the Internet - Govern It” project (case No. 18). In the second, it was proposed to prepare a script for an educational game module also for the “Study the Internet” project (case No. 19).

8 teams became finalists of the Coordination Center cases. The expert commission that took part in their in-person defense included representatives of the organization: Head of the Project Department Olga Yakovleva, Head of Social Projects Victoria Bunchuk, Chairman of the Youth Council Andrey Aleinikov and public relations specialist Alina Samokhina. Based on the results of the defense, the winners were determined:

Case No. 18 Development of an IT lesson scenario using online simulators of the project “Study the Internet - Govern It”

  • 1st place | Likino-Dulevsky Polytechnic College - branch of State University of Humanities and Technology (Moscow region); lesson about Internet domains and addressing systems
  • 2nd place | Moscow State Educational Park (Moscow); lesson on safe Internet use
  • 3rd place | School No. 1411 (Moscow); lesson about personal data and protection of personal information

Case No. 19 Development of a game script for the “Study the Internet - Govern It”

  • 1st place | Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov (Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region); scenario topic – Information ethics, plagiarism on the Internet
  • 2nd place | School No. 1411 (Moscow); scenario topic – Programming Languages
  • 3rd place | Lyceum of People's Diplomacy (Syktyvkar, Komi Republic); scenario topic – Smart Apps

The award ceremony took place immediately after the end of the defense. The winners were awarded diplomas, certificates from a large marketplace and souvenirs from the “Study the Internet - Govern It”. The finalists of the cases, who were unlucky enough to take prizes this time, were not left without memorable gifts; they were awarded backpacks with a set of useful souvenirs with the logo and mascot of the “Study the Internet”.

Let us remind you that the organizers of the “School of Real Projects” are traditionally the State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 2086”, the Moscow Department of Education and Science, the Moscow Department of Information Technologies, the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and National Research University Higher School of Economics. The general partners of the School are the Joint Stock Company “High-Tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician A.A. Bochvar" and the Volnoe Delo Social Innovation Support Fund.

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