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“Business Needs Domains!”

On May 27, a traditional domain section, organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, was held at RIF in the City 2024. Its name is “Domain .RU is 30, .РФ is 14, .ДЕТИ is 10 years. But We are still Discussing: Do Businesses Need Domains?” – perfectly reflects the current situation, when some users believe that active work on social networks is enough to develop a business. The last two years have shown that this statement is erroneous, and many domestic projects began to promote their sites in Russian domain zones. The section participants also agreed with this, emphasizing in their speeches: “Business Needs Domains!”

The section was moderated by the Director of the Coordination Center, Andrey Vorobyev, who invited participants to discuss current trends and problems of the modern domain business, and talk about their new projects and services for the domain industry.

The Head of the Department for Work with Registrars and Users of the Center, Georgy Georgievsky, spoke about the procedure for terminating the accreditation of domain name registrars in .RU and .РФ, and also shared statistics on the transfer of domains from registrars whose accreditation was canceled in 2023. He reminded that the distributed registration system in ccTLD .RU began operating 20 years ago, in June 2004, and today 131 accredited registrars provide domain name registration services in .RU.

Project Manager of the Coordination Center Svetlana Lobanova presented a new Center’s service that allows you to check and track registrations of domains in .RU and .РФ, similar to names, domains or trademarks of government bodies and organizations. The service was launched in 2024. For now, only government organizations can use it free of charge.

Thanks to the use of the Service for checking and tracking domain name registrations in .RU and .РФ, a government organization can analyze the information provided by the Service and independently decide on the presence of domain names that violate its rights, have signs of phishing or other violations, and take measures aimed at elimination of these violations,” Svetlana Lobanova said.

Legal Advisor of the Center Ekaterina Evteeva introduced the participants to the services of the Coordination Center, useful when working with domains and trademarks – WHOIS and WHOIS+, trademark verification service, domain selection.

Then, Alexey Rogdev, General Director of the Technical Center for Internet (TCI), addressed at the section. His speech was devoted to the situation with PKI in Russia, namely the problems and risks that are observed in this area, as well as measures to combat them. He spoke about the problems with issuing TLS certificates in Russia and about domestic solutions in the field of TLS, including the TCI Certification Center. In conclusion, he noted the need for further development of the PKI system, and the TLS ecosystem, in particular, and shared the company’s immediate plans for the development of the Certification Center.

Marina Brik, Head of the Development Department of the accredited registrar RU-CENTER, raised the problem of the low level of digital security of users. She noted that only 9% of the company's clients use two-factor authentication to protect domain accounts, and 68% are limited to SMS authorization. Only 5% of users blocked the ability to recover a password via email, and only 3% restricted access to accounts by IP address.

Also taking part in the section were Ekaterina Kalinicheva, partner, Head of the IP Protection Practice on the Internet of the Semenov&Pevzner law firm, and Ilya Krukover, General Director of Ardis LLC.

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