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Domain Industry Honored Workers Awarded at RIF in the City

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of.RU and Runet, the Ministry for Digital Development of the Russian Federation awarded industry workers who have made a significant contribution to what Runet is today.

Sixteen people representing the domain industry received commendations from the Minister for Digital Development of the Russian Federation. Among them are four employees of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

The winners were Center’s project manager Olga Baskakova, chief analyst Maria Kolesnikova, website editor-in-chief Irina Pyzhova and Head of the design department Olga Yakovleva.

In addition, gratitude was expressed to the employees of the Technical Center for Internet – Deputy Director Anna Mogilina, Head of commercial projects Vita Parshutina and leading database developer Sergey Petrov. The merits of employees of accredited domain name registrars were also noted – awards were received by RU-CENTER employees: General Director Andrey Kuzmichev, Deputy Director for Economics and Finance Marina Agisheva, Head of the Marketing Department Ekaterina Bobrova, Head of the Development Department Marina Brik, Director of Risk Management Alexander Zhgut, as well as the General Director of Ardis LLC Ilya Krukover.

All recipients were presented with Troika themed cards, issued by the Moscow Metro on the occasion of the 30th  anniversary of .RU and the Runet. The initiator of the release of thematic cards was the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ together with RAEC and

Today the awards were given to people who have been working in the Internet industry for many years and thanks to whom Runet is developing, growing and becoming closer and more accessible to every Russian. This is a very pleasant and exciting event, and I am pleased to congratulate all the awardees and wish them further success and implementation of all plans. Together we will make Runet even stronger!” – Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev said.

The Coordination Center team also congratulates its colleagues! We are proud of you!

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