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Crash Course About Internet Architecture

On May 15, the next webinar of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ in the format of crash course was held on the VK platform of the “Safe Information Environment for Childhood” project. The topic of the new issue was the structure of the Internet as a “Network of Networks” and the management of the World Wide Web.

The report was read by Anastasia Savelyeva, senior lecturer at the Department of Infocommunication Systems at St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. She talked about such concepts as addressing, routing, data transfer protocols, stacks, hops, traffic exchange points and others.

Special attention was paid to the architecture of the Internet or network models and “composite” networks:

“GAN (Global Area Network) - covers the entire planet and consists of networks of countries and continents - WAN (Wide Area Network), which in turn connect networks of cities – MAN (Metropolitan Area Network), and LAN (Local Area Network) – of enterprises, residential areas, etc.,” Anastasia Savelyeva said.

She also noted the importance of standardization in the process of building networks:

“The essence of a network is the connection of different equipment, which means that the problem of compatibility is one of the most acute. Without the adoption by all manufacturers of generally accepted rules for constructing equipment, progress would be impossible. This is where standards come in - rules, guidelines, processes or characteristics that help users and manufacturers consistently achieve the same result.”

According to the data presented in the report, there are currently more than 4,000 standards covering the fundamental components of modern ICT.

In addition, Anastasia raised the cross-cutting issue of Internet Governance. So, in a narrow sense, this is the technological coordination of elements of the Internet; in a broad sense, it is the development and application by governments, the private sector and civil society of general principles, norms, rules, programs and decision-making procedures governing the evolution and use of the Internet, taking into account economic, political and socio-cultural aspects of this process. Among the areas of Internet Governance, which should not be understood as direct “disposal” of its resources, one can highlight infrastructural, legal, economic, environmental, as well as security and human rights.

Let us remind you that the first lecture of the crash course format took place in April and was devoted to domains, their levels, formats of use and management.

Recordings of all webinars of the Coordination Center from the series “Safe Information Environment for Childhood” are available in the official VK community of the Center.

Safe Information Environment for Childhood (BIS) is a comprehensive project for parents, teachers and young professionals working with children and youth, participating in the process of digitalization of education, examination of children's information products and increasing the overall level of digital literacy of the younger generation. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ is one of the BIS participants and the author of webinars thematically related to the development of digital technologies in the interests of Russian Internet users. The meetings are held with the information support of the Smart Internet Foundation and the .ДЕТИ.

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