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How Not To Get Lost In Networks?

The seventh webinar of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ “Network of Networks: How the Internet Works and Who Controls It”, which is a follow-up of the last meeting, where we took a close-up look at one of the main components of the Internet - the domain, will be held on May 15 at 15:00 (Moscow time) on the VK platform of the project “Safe Information Environment of Childhood”.

This webinar also focuses on the important components of the Internet and how it works. Together with an expert, senior lecturer at the Department of Infocommunication Systems of St. Petersburg State University of Technology Anastasia Savelyeva, we will discuss concepts such as addressing, routing and data transfer protocols, and we will pay special attention to the architecture of the Internet or “composite” networks - local, telecom operators and content delivery. In addition, in her lecture Anastasia will raise the cross-cutting issue of Internet Governance.

Join the meeting on VKontakte using this link. You can ask questions to the expert in the broadcast chat.

Recordings of all webinars of the Coordination Center from the series “Safe Information Environment of Childhood” are available in the official VK community of the Center.

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