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Ten years with .ДЕТИ domain

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ held another webinar on March 6 on the VK platform of the Safe Information Environment for Children project. This time, the webinar was dedicated to the .ДЕТИ domain and projects for young internet users in this safe online space. Creators of some of these projects took part in the webinar as guests.

The Coordination Center launched the .ДЕТИ domain and founded the Smart Internet Foundation. In addition to supporting humanitarian internet initiatives, the foundation acts as the .ДЕТИ domain registrant.

The webinar opened with a presentation by Victoria Bunchuk, Head of Social Projects at the Coordination Center. She spoke about the mission of .ДЕТИ, which is to provide a single platform for high-quality web content for children and teenagers. She also spoke about the directory of the best projects in .ДЕТИ, which currently contains about 150 websites and apps related to education, leisure, physical and mental development, digital literacy, charity, health and creativity.

The next speaker was Andrei Sidenko (Kaspersky Lab), with a multimedia project on cybersecurity for children from Kaspersky Safe Kids and the company's research on the concerns of parents whose children actively use digital content (timecode 13:40). Their biggest fears include the possibility of young internet users coming across adult content (45% of parents have had such concerns) and online grooming (37%), participation in dangerous challenge games (30%), and the likelihood of developing internet addiction (29%).

The second project presented live was the Readings app for children aged 4–7 learning to read (timecode 29:56). One of the project creators, Natalya Sosnina, said that Readings is a reading puzzle: to master the skill, children must follow a fictional path to the top of Reading, through the cities of Letters and Syllables, the City of Artists and the Valley of Words. The app offers a multiplayer mode and an adaptive algorithm that adjusts to each child's learning abilities.

Tatyana Pavlova spoke about the project she heads, Razumeykin, created around the same time as the .ДЕТИ domain (timecode 55:58). Razumeykin is a gamified learning site for children aged 3 to 10. Through games, children learn how to be more attentive, memorize things, analyze and speak; they also learn letters and numbers, learn how to read, count, do sums and solve mathematical problems. The project offers comprehensive preparation for school. Children can learn the multiplication table and apply their knowledge of the school program. Razumeykin broadens children's outlook and introduces them to the basics of various sciences (biology, geography, physics and chemistry) in a simple way. Children learn to listen, hear, understand information, apply it – and not to be afraid of making mistakes. Most importantly, they learn through games.

At the end of the webinar, Natalya Stepanova presented Children's Atlas, a newcomer among the projects in .ДЕТИ (timecode 1:19:53). Natalya, one of the creators and the leader of the project, noted that the Children’s Atlas was to help children grasp knowledge about history, geography and culture of their native region and Russia. The Atlas has two modes: it is an interactive online atlas of the Novosibirsk Region, with games and animation, and an offline quest for children on the nature, culture and history of Russia. Natalya also encouraged representatives of other Russian regions to join the project and create interactive maps and quests together.

Safe Information Environment for Children (SIE) is a comprehensive project for parents, teachers and young professionals working with children and young adults, and involved in the digitalization of education, evaluating IT products for children and improving digital literacy of the younger generation. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.RF is an SIE participant and the organizer of themed webinars on digital technologies for the benefit of Russian internet users.

» Browse past webinars in the Coordination Center's VK community  

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